Supporters: The '50 Club'
A short history
In 1989 Gale Riddell and
Michael Hearn were asked by the Village Hall Committee if they would start
a ‘50 Club’.
The idea of the 50 Club is that half of the money raised goes to the
Village Hall and the rest goes in prizes. Each month prizes of £25, £15
and £10 are given away, with extra prizes given away at Christmas.
Gale Riddell and Michael Hearn ran the club for the first four years, then
Steve Beer and Michael Baker took over. Michael Short and Jenny Hearn have
been running the club since 1996.
Now twenty-nine years later the ‘50 Club’ has raised £24,066.80 for the
Village Hall and given away approximately the same amount in prizes. See
how the £24,066.80 has been reached.
The Club year runs from 1st April – 31st March. The yearly fee is £24,
which can be paid in full, or £12 every 6 months, or £6 every 3 months.
(These fees haven’t changed since the 50 Club started).
If you would like any further information about the 50 Club please
Jenny Hearn 01805 622144 or Michael Short 01805 623359.